Digital Marketing

Tips for Automating Social Media Posts

In general, automating your social media postings can benefit you in the following ways:

  • Make a single appointment and gain long-term rewards
  • Increase your outcomes while exerting less effort
  • Maintain a constant and sophisticated level of communication with your audience.

Yes, automated mistakes should be avoided at all costs; for example, automatically reacting to mentions containing “positive” terms should be avoided.

What should you automate?

Automate the social media postings that promote your original material and curated content on other platforms. That is all there is to it.

The alternative option is to follow the advice of the speaker and do the following:

  • Sit in front of your computer most of the day
  • Make a list of the optimal times and days to publish on each social media platform.
  • Set up reminders on your Google Calendar to remind you to publish at the appropriate times of the day.
  • When it comes time to post, you may write words and create visuals on the fly.
  • Log in and out of any social media account you have access to.
  • Multitasking should be attempted (despite the fact that it has been established that multitasking affects your productivity).

Feeling tense and anxious all day long. What a horrible-sounding phrase, don’t you think?

You want to have multiple blog entries ready to go for at least a couple of weeks from this point forward. As a result, you won’t have to stress out at the last minute and upload content that may not be up to your usual high-quality standards.

Writing and designing your material for social auto poster is simple; all you have to do is schedule it to be shared at a later date.

This automation assists you in completing and scheduling your work in a single session, eliminating the laborious, manual busywork that would otherwise compel you to multitask, resulting in a significant drop in your productivity and efficiency.

3 Myths About Social Media Automation

So let’s take a look at some of the illogic that exists in the argument against automatically publishing your social network posts. Here are some examples of what people have said:

  1. “Automated social media posts are subject to disciplinary action.”

Buffer conducted original research comparing Facebook messages uploaded naturally with those made through a third-party application.

  1. “Automated social marketing is impersonal,” says the author.

You’ll still need to compose your words and create the graphics you’ll use to communicate with your audience.

  1. A personal touch is required for this

If anything, setting aside time to write and design your material ahead of time will allow you to produce better content in the long run. It is unlikely that you will be generating on the fly and uploading immediately, giving you the chance to plan rather than react.

Automating social media posts like a boss may be done in a variety of ways:

  1. Create a variety of messages for each newsfeed in your strategy

Yes, you may share content headlines with others. However, when your audience scrolls through your newsfeed on any social media platform, you’ll want to include a number of message kinds that have shown to be incredibly effective.

  1. Create a separate document for each network

While advice on writing for social media is typically applicable across all platforms, there are specific technical considerations to keep in mind while crafting your material.

  1. Create a Network Design for each network

Try to optimize your images for each social media network in the same way you optimize your text for each network.

  1. Establish a posting schedule for each piece of content you publish and curate. 

By this time, you’ve written a number of engaging social media messages for each social media platform. Your images for each network have also been developed and optimized by you.

That means it’s time to start thinking about scheduling and automating your social media posts.


  1. Automatically post at the most appropriate times for each social media network.

When planning your posting schedule, it’s helpful to know the optimum times to publish on each social media network.

Automatically distributing your content when the audience of each specialized network is most engaged increases your chances of receiving the interaction, shares, and traffic you deserve.

  1. Distribute the optimum amount on each social media network.

Even if you create campaigns for each piece of content you post or curate, there may be instances when you will lose out on engagement opportunities because of a lack of planning.

  1. Analyzing 

As you automate your social media posting, you’ll want to track your progress to see how well it’s working. This is where the use of analytics data comes into effect.


Marketing and social media are challenging enough. Automation makes things more accessible while also allowing you to devote more time to what truly matters: creating and sharing compelling content with your audience (rather than the tedious, manual time-suck of the mechanics of best times, how often to post, and the like).

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