Do You Need A Workers Comp Lawyer? Here’s How To Decide
When you think of hiring a worker’s comp lawyer, you likely think of construction accidents and other hazardous work environments that result in injury. These are instances where worker’s comp assistance is needed, but injuries covered under worker’s comp law also apply to safer workplaces. For instance, slip and fall accidents can happen in nearly any commercial office setting and require the legal assistance of a worker’s comp lawyer.
It can be confusing to know when you need a worker’s comp lawyer, but for most U.S. employees, the rules are relatively straightforward. State laws may interfere with the ease of this process. For example, independent contractors receive no coverage under workers comp law in Texas. However, they are still entitled to pursue compensation for damages via personal injury claims.
As long as you are clear on the legal terms for your state, you can easily decide when involving a worker’s comp lawyer makes sense. However, understanding these legal specifics is easier said than done. To help you determine when hiring a workers comp lawyer is necessary, read through the guide below.
Understanding The Common Misconceptions: When You Need A workers comp lawyer
Don’t make the mistake of overlooking when a worker’s comp lawyer is necessary. Injuries covered under workers’ comp are vast, and they are all valid reasons to contact a worker’s comp lawyer for more information.
Here are some examples of injuries that a workers comp lawyer can likely help with:
- Repetitive strain injuries
- Hearing loss
- Run-ins with vehicles or machinery
- Slip and fall accidents
- Third-party negligence (even when worker’s comp denies these claims)
- Injuries due to employer negligence
Discuss your claim with a workers comp lawyer if it is denied, as it will likely be reconsidered with a repeal. Over half of all workers’ comp claims result in successful repeals.
When Your Claim May Be Denied
Even if your claim is denied, it can be repealed successfully. Here are some common instances when your claim may be rejected, and when you should speak to a worker’s comp lawyer about repeals.
- The accident could have occurred outside of work.
- The injury is not related to work.
- A third party is responsible for the injury.
- The statute of limitations has expired.
- non-eligible situations (conditions outlined in workers comp that do not qualify, e.g., colds and flu, natural disasters that result in injury)
- The employee no longer works for the company where the injury occurred.
Every situation is unique, so it is in your best interest to speak with a personal injury lawyer and determine if pursuing a claim through them or a workers comp lawyer is the best course of action.
Seeking Appropriate Legal Recourse
Seek the appropriate legal recourse justified in your area or wherever the injury occurred. Avoid the misconceptions that prevent people from seeking justice, as you may find success in a repeal. For the best outcomes, talk to a workers comp lawyer about the local laws that juristic workers comp coverage in your state.